A Braeloch Wedding in Vinton VA - Hannah & Aaron
We met with Hannah a while before her wedding; and, I remember sitting there listening to her describe the marriage she wanted with Aaron. She talked about a few details of the wedding, but she was clearly most excited about her life that was waiting for her after the big day. I knew then, even though we hadn’t met Aaron, that they would have such a sweet Braeloch wedding.
We were met with such a welcoming family and the deepest sense of love. It was one of the hottest days (and I was pregnant!), but the clouds came out in the middle of the ceremony giving some pretty light on the Roanoke mountains in the background. Hannah & Aaron stood under the arbor that her dad had made for them and said their vows. They had both of their fathers come up and pray over them during the ceremony and it was one of the most touching moments! There were several tears shed that day!
The bridesmaids were dressed in colorful dresses and had giant bouquets of greenery. The centerpieces were made of greenery, moss, and old bottles from Hannah’s dad’s collection. The groom wore a kilt (if only for a minute) and everyone prayed over them before the ceremony. One of the groomsmen didn’t think he’d make it and the group brought a giant cutout of him – they made good use of the cutout throughout the day!
They closed their reception with everyone signing and standing together in a big circle. They sang “Country Roads” and it was so memorable because Hannah was moving to West Virginia with Aaron after the wedding! They exited through a ribbon walkway and lots of hugs!

Roanoke Wedding Photography by Kaytlin Lane Photography
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